Friday, August 21, 2020

The Electronic Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Electronic Media - Essay Example Let me clarify you the subject of my substance first. These eight courageous women are performed on the phase through move, music and instruments. 1. Abhisarika: She is a delightful lady covertly meets her darling around evening time. 2. Vasaksajja: This maid has been spruced up delightfully and heading off to her significant other for association. 3. Virahotkanthita: This maid is troubled by her division with her significant other or darling. 4. Swadhinpatika: The lady, who has given herself totally both genuinely and intellectually to her better half or her sweetheart. 5. Kalahantarita: Kalaha implies squabble or battle. This woman has fought with her better half and isolated from her significant other. 6. Khandita: This woman has had a fight with her significant other yet at the same time living with him. 7. Vipralabdha: This courageous woman is the woman who is misdirected by her better half. She comes to realize that he has gone through his night with another woman. She is harme d and embarrassed by the infidelity. 8. Proshitpatika: Her better half has left her for some work. He vowed to return on a specific day but then he has not come. So she is concerned and pitiful. It is an extremely excellent idea for composing a content. Essentially this is the content reasonable for stage execution. Preceding web, in the event that I needed to bring it before the crowd, I would have composed the content as a play, a move beauty. Theater was one of the significant way to contact a huge crowd before electronic media. Theater has a drag out history of thousands of years. Indeed, even before the coming of print media, theater was the significant wellspring of coming to the individuals. The substance in the topic can be written as discoursed and verses. It would make a decent impact on the crowd. The author has a wide extension for exploratory writing. The program should be went with customary instruments and Indian old style music. Preceding print media, artistic creati ons or stone workers were additionally the media of correspondence. The maker used to impart his substance to his crowd through artistic creation and stone workers in old time. The painters in those days used to pass on the subject through their compositions. Here are the artworks of three of the eight Heroines as indicated by their temperaments: Abhisarika Vasaksajja Virahotkanthita Distribution through print media: After the approach of print media, it turned out to be anything but difficult to contact the crowd through articles and outline. With the assistance of a decent craftsman, the maker can make his substance progressively powerful with fabulous representation of every courageous woman. In print media the topic of Ashtanayika (Eight Heroines) can be reached to the crowd through articles joined by phenomenal outlines. Section 2: Distribution of Content through Electronic Media Manipulation of the Content for Radio: The appropriation procedure turned out to be progressively p erplexing and complete after the appearance of electronic media. Electronic media contain Radio, TV and other New Media. Being a maker, on the off chance that I need to reach to the enormous number of individuals, I need to update a similar substance to make it reasonable for radio. At the point when we think about a similar substance for electronic media, we need to adjust the substance as indicated by the need of electronic media. Radio is viewed as a visually impaired medium. The substance, which

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

So, You Want to Write a Short Story 10 Tips from the Experts

So, You Want to Write a Short Story 10 Tips from the Experts In its simplest definition, a short story is fiction that can be read in one sitting. But beyond that simple definition, there is so much more to a short story than meets the eye â€" and even more to writing one!Many writers make the common mistake of assuming that writing a short story will be easier than writing a novel. On the surface, this may be true, since short stories are obviously shorter than a novel, and, therefore, less time-consuming. Deeper than the surface, however, is the fact that short stories use the same literary techniques of a novel and the same methods of characterization, but the author has far fewer words to achieve the same effect. In other words, despite the significantly lower word count, a short story can be as complicated â€" if not more so â€" as writing a novel. As a writer, you should include within your short story much of what a novelist would include in his or her novel â€" you just have a lot fewer words to do it in!But if you are up for the task, and you want to write a short story, lets go over some tips from the experts on how to do it. Well start with the advice of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, one of the most famous American short story writers, who enjoyed a long writing career that lasted for over 50 years. Within that timeframe, he published three short story collections, five plays, five nonfiction works, and 14 novels, the most famous of which is Slaughterhouse Five (1969).Before we look at his tips for writing a short story, however, keep in mind that even Vonnegut suggested breaking his own rules. The greatest American short story writer of my generation was Flannery OConnor, Vonnegut wrote. She broke practically every one of my rules but the first. Great writers tend to do that.So why am I reading rules if they are meant to be broken, you might ask. Well, the answer to that is complicated, and we suggest using the following as tips rather than as rules, per se. In short â€" some rules are made to be broken, particularly in writing, but a general guideline is always helpful as you set out to write.Tip 1 â€" Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.Lets start with Vonneguts advice, which begins with a reminder of focusing on writing a story that is important. While this seems obvious, many writers begin the process of writing a short story without considering their reader. However, your reader is the very first consideration you should make, and you should assume that he or she is a stranger to you. What is it that you have to say â€" what story do you have to tell â€" that would appeal to a complete stranger? How do you, as a writer, appeal to someone whom youve never met or with whom youve never spoken?One way to do this is to write about something that is a common experience or feeling. The more compelling your story is to a broad audience, the greater your chances of finding success in publishing it. While there are certainly great short storie s that have been published dealing with unique circumstances, those which focus on common human experiences and emotions are the ones that are most memorable in the minds of audiences.Tip 2 â€" Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.Heres the second piece of advice Vonnegut gives us. And, it calls to mind Eudora Welty, another prolific and famous American short story writer, who is best known for her short stories which depict life in the American South. In them, she broached topics that are heavy and ugly, such as racism and poverty, and created many characters who were as unlikeable as they were realistic. One aspect of her writing that attracted large audiences was her ability to show dark, complex themes interwoven into everyday characters and events â€" making small towns and small-minded people a central focus of her work.However, in most cases, we like her characters, despite how fallible and tragically human they are. We root for them despite the circu mstances and see their heroic qualities interwoven into their faults. It is this attraction, this desire for the characters to be happy despite their miserable surroundings, that makes Weltys readers love her work.Tip 3 â€" Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.Vonneguts third suggestion involves character motivation, and it is arguably THE most important question a writer should ask when creating a character that readers find memorable. That question is simple: What motivates this person? Why are they doing what they are doing in the story? What is it that they want and are hoping to achieve?Character motivation is a key part of how readers will identify with the characters you create in writing a short story. For example, a twenty-something male reader might have a difficult time identifying with a middle-aged female character. However, if that female character is motivated by the lure of fame, and the many dangers that go along with the tempta tion of it, its a desire that the reader knows personally. Its this motivation that connects the reader to the character, making differences in gender, sociocultural status, and age nothing more than trivial details.Tip 4 â€" Every sentence must do one of two things â€" reveal character or advance the action.This part of Vonneguts advice reiterates the importance of making every word count when writing a short story. One of the great things about short stories, as a genre, is the way that they are able to make use of the same literary devices as full-length books. However, in a short story, there is intensity in their use, simply because reading in one sitting is a more intense experience than reading in multiple sittings. When a reader is exposed to a story all at once, without real life having an opportunity to creep in and pull his or her attention away from a book, it is truly an experience that could become quite memorable rather than just a passive activity.The same is true fo r characterization in short stories. Characters who leave a lasting impression on the reader do it because:They are deep and complicatedThey go through a set of complicated circumstancesThrough this complication in their lives, even if they are the type of person a reader would never encounter in his or her real life, this motivation â€" a common human trait â€" will connect the reader to what is happening in the story. Readers will be concerned about the outcome of the story simply because they are concerned about the welfare of the character. This ability to create memorable, human characters a reader can root for (or root against) is what separates great short story writers from mediocre ones.Tip 5 â€" Start as close to the end as possible.Vonneguts fifth tip has as much to do with the pacing of a story as it does with the short storys plot. Weve been comparing short stories to novels, but unlike novels, short stories should start as close to the end as possible. While it may see m counterproductive to skip out on setting up the story from the beginning, there simply is not enough time in the span of a short story to tell a story from beginning to end. Rather, if you need to visualize it in your mind in comparison with a novel, think of a short story in one of two ways:As the very end of a novel or its climaxAs a snapshot of an important moment taken right in the middle of a story that stands on its own, without a lot of expositionThere are many details youll feel the need to include to clue your reader in on what has happened before this moment in your short story. However, you should always ask yourself…does this detail advance the action or identify something important about my character(s)? If the answer to any of these is no, then dont include it. Your reader doesnt have to know everything about your characters past to understand who they are in the present.Tip 6 â€" Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful thi ngs happen to them â€" in order that the reader may see what they are made of.This one is somewhat indicative of Kurt Vonneguts worldview, and not necessarily a view shared by other short story writers, but you should know about it either way. Its also important to note that in Vonneguts most well-known short story, Harrison Bergeron, the main characters 14-year-old son is killed on-air with a double-barreled shot gun, while taking over a television station in a futile attempt to overthrow an oppressive government. In this case, Vonneguts advice certainly paid off well for him, so it is worth considering.The takeaway from this tip is that when readers experience shocking events through a short story, it is a sort of cathartic experience for them. The best short story writers in American literature enjoyed this element of shocking the reader (for example, Edgar Allan Poe, Flannery OConner, etc.) While it certainly isnt necessary to do this, its important to know that the greats have done it â€" and have found success in doing so.Tip 7 â€" Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.This comment from the famous writer is classic Vonnegut, but it brings up an important point: Your story should be written for one person. In many cases, that person should be you.Tip 8 â€" Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.This advice goes along with Vonneguts fifth tip, which is to start as close to the end as possible. In doing so, youll need to let your reader know the exposition and the details of what led your characters to the point where they are in the short story. Again, as we mentioned previously: Be careful here, though, and make sure you dont crowd too much exposit ion into the beginning. Only give your reader what they need to know to understand your characters and what led them to this place.Tip 9 â€" Separate the writing and the editing process.This isnt Vonneguts advice, but it is a suggestion youll find throughout our blog on various writing topics, and it is worth repeating regarding writing short stories. It is important that you understand that writing and editing are two very different processes, and they should be completed separately. This means that when you sit down to write, dont second guess yourself by writing, reading what you wrote, and then changing it. Rather, most experts agree that it is better to write without making changes â€" just continue writing without revision â€" and save those changes for a different time when you are editing the story.Tip 10 â€" Read, and then read some more.Stephen King, arguably the most prolific writer of our times, has this advice: If you dont have time to read, you dont have the time or th e tools to write. Simple as that. Reading short stories written by others â€" particularly the greats â€" will help you more than reading this blog post ever could. While reading, youll subconsciously pick up on writing practices used by other writers, as well as learn what publishers look for when they consider a short story (or short story collections) to publish.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cómo Declarar la Pérdida de Pasaporte con Visa Americana

Si usted ha perdido su pasaporte con una visa americana, debe actuar rà ¡pidamente para evitarse problemas futuros y no perder su visado. Tenga en cuenta que si usted extravà ­o su documento o le fue robado puede que otra persona lo està © intentando usar para entrar a Estados Unidos (suplantacià ³n de identidad). Reportar la Pà ©rdida Fuera de Estados Unidos: Apenas se de cuenta de la pà ©rdida o robo escriba un correo electrà ³nico al consulado correspondiente siguiendo estas formulas: ciudad del o Asà ­, para el consulado en Lima el correo serà ­a: o En el asunto del correo escribir: â€Å"Lost† para el caso de visas extraviadas y â€Å"Stolen† para el de robadas y en el cuerpo del correo aà ±adir: Nombre completo del titular de la visa, tal y como aparece en el pasaporte extraviado o robado.Nà ºmero de pasaporte, si se tiene.Fecha en la que se produjo la pà ©rdida o el robo.Nà ºmero de telà ©fono de contacto.Si hay un reporte policial, incluirlo en la comunicacià ³n. Informacià ³n detallada de lo sucedido. Una vez reportado el robo o pà ©rdida la visa serà ¡ cancelada y ya no se podrà ¡ viajar con ella. Reportar la Pà ©rdida Dentro de Estados Unidos: Apenas se de cuenta de la pà ©rdida o robo usted deberà ¡: Acudir a la policà ­a y reportar el robo o extravà ­o.Conseguir una copia del reporte policial.Conseguir una copia   del I-94 que indica hasta cuando puede estar usted en Estados Unidos.Contactar con la embajada o consulado del paà ­s de origen y conseguir un nuevo pasaporte o documento que le permita salir de Estados Unidos y entrar a su paà ­s de origen. Reportar el robo o el extravà ­o de la visa a la embajada o al consulado que la emitià ³, siguiendo las instrucciones seà ±aladas arriba para casos de pà ©rdida fuera de Estados Unidos. Si su pasaporte extraviado tiene una visa de turismo B1/B2 vigente usted puede pedir una renovacià ³n de la misma siguiendo los mismos pasos de aplicacià ³n de la visa original. Aquà ­ encuentra un listado de las direcciones oficiales de los consulados en la pà ¡gina oficial del gobierno e informacià ³n adicional de cà ³mo reportar  el robo o perdida. Consejos Para Conservar la Visa Americana Una vez recuperada su visa revise la siguiente informacià ³n para conservarla sin problemas: Las 10 situaciones que le pueden traer problemas con su visa.La frecuencia con la que puede  ingresar a Estados Unidos.Consecuencias de estadà ­as mà ¡s largas que las permitidas. Informacià ³n en forma de   test sobre visas. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transgender Bathroom Laws On North Carolin Detrimental...

Transgender Bathroom Laws in North Carolina: Detrimental Rhetoric and Much Ado about Nothing Sehann Baker 1105 Sec.wa August 2, 2016 Transgender Bathroom Laws in North Carolina: Detrimental Rhetoric and Much Ado about Nothing House Bill 2 (HB-2) in North Carolina, also known throughout the U.S. as the bathroom law, has made national news as the latest discriminatory law against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer (LGBTQ) community. Details of the law will be provided below, but the component of it that seems most controversial and most misunderstood is the mandate for men and women to use the bathroom of the gender into which they were born rather than that to which they have been reassigned. North Carolina governor Pat McCrory has championed HB-2 regardless of the significant detriment and revenue loss his position has cost the state. HB-2 should be repealed; it should not be left in place to remove discrimination against the transgendered community, which the bill singles out. The bathroom prohibitions desired by the proponents of the bill cannot in any way be enforced without further civil and human rights violations. Furthermore, the co st to the state’s revenue and the detriment to its citizens that enforcing the bill would create is not only astronomical but impossible to recoup from other revenue sources. Considering that the federal government has vowed to suspend the state s Title IV funding because the federal government cannot by law fund any

Tuberculosis and Student Success Center Free Essays

Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. We will write a custom essay sample on Tuberculosis and Student Success Center or any similar topic only for you Order Now Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle). Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up). Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease. Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called Phthisis or Phthisis pulmonalis, is a common, and in many cases lethal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [1] Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air. [2] Most infections are asymptomatic and latent, but about one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected. The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the latter giving rise to the formerly prevalent term â€Å"consumption†). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids. Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette–Guerin vaccine. A minimum of three references is required. Refer to â€Å"Communicable Disease Chain. † Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. How to cite Tuberculosis and Student Success Center, Essays

Friday, April 24, 2020

Procrastination and Time Management

Time management is a college-success strategy and a life success skill Normally, individuals and groups have had the perception that time management is merely a success strategy in college. However, the notion is quite misleading. Time is key factor that determines and fosters the achievement of our career objectives and long life goals. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Procrastination and Time Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While in college, proper time management helps students to balance between studies, class schedules, extracurricular activities, jobs, and personal life. This does not imply that effective time management is merely a success strategy in college. In fact, in life there are various activities that an individual would want to accomplish within a given time period. In case the available time is not properly allocated to all activities to be achieved within a given period, then the av ailable time will not be allocated to the correct event. Thus, there will be overlaps and postponement of activities that are supposed to be achieved within a given time. Just like proper time management helps college students to be successful, in life the skill is important in determining how every minute could be better used. This implies that time management skills assist individuals to prioritize activities to be accomplished, plan properly, and focus on each activity that is supposed to be achieved or finished within a given period. Hence, in life, time still appears as a scarce resource that calls for effective management. The causes of procrastination and how procrastination can be prevented Procrastination is the tendency to defer, postpone, or suspend an activity that can be done now to a future date. Procrastination usually results into a tendency given that when new tasks are deferred they become stressful to accomplish on time. Procrastinating behaviors normally result from the availability of time to complete a project or if the task appears too difficult to accomplish. However, the causes of procrastination can be grouped in to three categories according to Knaus William and Ellis Albert. First, procrastination may result from the hostile feelings towards classmates, workmates, managers, or tutors and it can make an individual postpone the assignments. Secondly, low frustration tolerance may make an individual to stop working on an assignment and set it aside prior to completing it. Finally, procrastinating behaviours may result from self-downing. This occurs when students have feelings that a project is difficult to accomplish effectively based on the stipulated time.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are numerous ways of preventing procrastination. These include mixing boring, challenging, and enjoyable activities; sparing time for the una nticipated events; effective and wise utilization of the free time; rewarding oneself after completing a given project on time; allocating time for socialization, relaxation, and exercise, as well as setting realistic and attainable goals. Besides, procrastination may be prevented through breaking larger projects into units, avoiding overworking yourself, creating conducive environment for work, and accomplishing the assignments when the morale is still high. Why college students have difficulties managing time Time management skills are important to all college students, but such students usually find it difficult managing their time. First, given that, there are numerous college activities to be carried out within a given period, college student find themselves wasting a lot of time because they prefer management by crises. For instance, college students are prone to living from drama to drama, crises to crises, and from minute to minute. Secondly, college students are fond of w ishful thinking and this makes them lack actual worked out plans or inadequate plans. Besides, college students have poor communication strategies, which make them assume that each person encounters similar time constraints, scheduling, as well as the assumption that everybody understands their interests and time requirements. Conversely, the inability to turn down certain suggestions when it is necessary coupled with leaving some well-planned tasks unfinished because of excessive socialization have led to difficulties in managing college time. Such socializations increase the number of stop in visitors, telephone timeouts, and personal disorganization. When a college student’s life is in continuous disarray, the student will attempt to handle many tasks ones to an extent of being irritated and beset. This essay on Procrastination and Time Management was written and submitted by user Avah S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.